Welcome to Monmouth Beach Life.com
I have been a writer for over 35 years. Welcome to my digital forum. This website is my new e-connection with all those who love and care about our exceptional Monmouth Beach area. I’ll also be posting content on our close neighbors — Sea Bright and Long Branch — because to get to Monmouth Beach, you must go thorough those places.
My first instinct as a professional journalist — for newspapers, magazines and websites — is fact seeking and sharing. With my curious nature I’m constantly searching for more knowledge about our area. Plus, I like to put things together historically. My pledge is to offer a reasonable and independent view of the our Jersey Shore. Please take time to read the web posts, look at images, visit often, and comment if the spirit moves you.
“The purpose of memory is to extract out from the past lessons to structure the future.”
—Jordan Peterson, PhD.
With plenty of nostalgia in my heart, I’ll try to capture a glimpse of some remarkable Jersey Shore communities. I was born here and lived here for some 60 years (I’m living in Sea Bright now), so I can appreciate and understand the rich and meaningful experience that is Monmouth Beach and its shore neighbors. Life here is enjoyable.
Things have always been good around Monmouth Beach — a shore settlement dating backing to the 17th century. All the while it’s maintained a superb combination of extraordinary locale, thoughtful traditions and exceptional people. I’m blessed to have it be my “home town.” So many others share this feeling — where ever they may be today.
Through my digital commentary, I’ll seek to recognize locals who had the courage and daring to build, maintain and grow things. That’s important, especially when so few citizens know about it today. For area people and places deserving of recognition and honor, I’ll attempt to bring their essence back to life. Attention to culturally significant points that should be remembered and talked about. Life lessons from dead and dying newspapers.
Finally, with all the negativity and inaccuracy on social media and the Internet in general, I sense a real miss-education taking place online. There’s more than enough rotten content already. Through my research I’ve sought to build a website based on facts that people can trust. Something enduring — that’s positive and educational. Enjoy.
Greg Kelly
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Some favorite quotes about Monmouth Beach:
• “Monmouth Beach isn’t just a place; it’s a state of mind.”
—Sidney B. Johnson
• “Monmouth Beach values endure.”
—James J. Maguire
• “Monmouth Beach is an aristocratic colony of aristocratic cottages inhabited by aristocratic people.”
—New York Times, 1878
• “Monmouth Beach is distinguished for quiet elegance rather than for the excitement of fashionable hotel life.”
—Gustav Kobbe, New Jersey Coast & Pines, 1891
• “Nowhere along the Atlantic Coast is “exclusiveness” in its broadest sense enjoyed as it is at Monmouth Beach.”
—New-York Tribune, June 1899
• “Monmouth Beach grows but it does not change its characteristics. It gets only more beautiful as time goes by.”
—Brooklyn Daily Eagle, August 1899.
• “Monmouth Beach is popular with the wealthy.”
—The Suburbanite magazine, June 1904.
• “During the summer months especially, Monmouth Beach comes into the spotlight as a rendezvous of the smart set.”
—Asbury Park Press town promotional ad, December 1939.
• “The rich summer residents and the Scandinavian fishermen are both gone, but the memory lingers on as the sand, sun and surf offer the same attraction to those who have settled permanently in Monmouth Beach.”
—Asbury Park Press, June 1962
• “If Eliakim Wardell could see his farm today, he would be astounded by the change but would also realize the spirit of neighborliness that he left behind is still there.”
—Rosemary O’Brien, Monmouth Beach: A Bicentennial Publication, 1975
• “It’s an American community at its best.”
—Bob Collister, New York Times reporter, July 1976
• “A Jersey Shore insider secret.”
—Reader’s Digest, 2017
• “One of Monmouth County’s most luxurious and desirable year-round beach communities.”
• “In Monmouth Beach the home is sanctuary where contentment and an enjoyable life is lived amidst quiet.”
—Long Branch Daily Record, May 1941
• “A mile strip of once sea-sand … the restless Atlantic east, the placid Shrewsbury west, cottages quaint and cottages palatial.”
—“Monmouth Beach Inn” profile, 1911 brochure.
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Greg Kelly

In the Beginning — Monmouth Beach School Kindergarten Class, 1965. Hannah Stout was our first teacher. That’s me in the back row on the right end.