City Schools: Learning in Long Branch

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2 Responses

  1. G. Marcus says:

    Does anyone have any information on temporary schools that operated in the early days of the Baby Boom? Around 1952-53, there was a school for a couple of grades (maybe kindergarten and first grade) operating in a subdivision that I think was in the area around Garrett Drive, between West End Ave and High St near Norwood. I’d like to know exactly where it was and what it was called, and I’d like to know for sure what grades were taught there, how long it operated. Can anyone help?

  2. Ryan James says:

    West End School was under construction when I was in 2nd grade. Our combined 1st and 2nd grades were in an old house on 2nd Avenue off of Indiana. Our teacher was Mrs. Levine.

    For 3rd grade, we were sent to a synagogue in Elberon. There was at least one other class there. I think my teacher that year was Miss White.

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