MBL Gallery

Monmouth Beach Gallery …

Presented here are distinctive Monmouth Beach images from various times, places and sources. I claim no ownership of these photos — I just track them down and post them. Sources provided will be credited (and please check back for regular updates):

High Holiday — “Santa Claus & Eight Reindeer” fly at the Brina house on Club Circle, 2017. The popular borough family celebrated the Christmas season with the festive home decoration for more than 50 years. The house no longer stands.

Back Up Plan — The Brina family Christmas decoration endures — floating at the Red Bank Marina on West Front Street, December 2024 (Dick Keller Photo). Thanks to the noble son, Ernie Brina.

Dawn Due — Early morning fishing at Monmouth Beach, November 2024 (Chesiree Caridi-Palladino Photo).

Great Adventurer — Robert Shippee (l) and George Johnson in Peru, Long Branch Daily Record, 1931. That year borough resident Shippee was part of an eight-month pioneering aerial photography expedition to Peru (he was just 20 years old). Shippee and US Navy Lt. George “Tuck” Johnson took thousands of photos in South America and  filmed  a movie (The Wings Over the Andes) during the journey. Their work continues to be an important resource for Peruvian students and scholars. Shippee, a pilot and Harvard-trained geologist, even survived a plane crash in the Andes. After WW II, he was a passenger sales manager for United Air Lines for a decade. The Red Bank native died in February 1989.

“Town House Luxury” — Hamiltonian of Monmouth Beach apartments on Park Avenue, Long Branch Daily Record, March 1965. Albert Benoist was architect on the unique “Y-shaped” design — affording all 192 units with water-views.

Hamiltonian of Monmouth Beach apartments, Long Branch Daily Record, March 1965. It was the borough’s misguided attempt at providing affordable housing; monthly rent for a 5-room apartment was $135. By 1973, CBA Associates owned the apartment complex, now called Channel Beach Apartments (it had been the River & Surf Club Apartments). As the 1980s arrived it had become a sometimes racy and rough spot. The complex racked up 800+ building violations, endured delinquent renters and mass vacancies, and was nearly condemned by the borough’s code officer. Plus there were at least three incidents of gunfire there with one awful murder-suicide in October 1978 that made front-page news. New owners JG Associates converted the property to “condo” in July 1982.

At Atlantic & Shrewsbury — Wharfside Manor Condominiums, 2023 (O’Brien Realty Photo). First developed by Gerald Baroff and Charles Elin — as the “the only apartments in NJ with private marina, ocean beach, cabana club and individual terraces,” according to the April 1965 Long Branch Daily Record. By 1983, it was known as “Wharfside at Monmouth Beach,” with prices starting at $57,500.

Wharfside Manor Condos along the Shrewsbury River, June 2020. The Shorelands point is in the background to the west.

The Wharfside Manor Condo complex on Wharfside Drive, 2017. It began as the Hamiltonian of Monmouth Beach apartments in 1965.

Wharfside Manor condo pool area, 2017.

Presidential Protector — Borough native Walter “Buddy” Burns (r) with President George H.W. Bush in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington, DC, 1992. A 1974 MB School graduate, “Buddy” was a Special Agent for the US Secret Service for over 25 years — MORE INFO.

Final Flight — The last seaplane to dock off the Monmouth Beach marina, Red Bank Daily Record, August 1981. A one-way trip took about 15 minutes and cost $150.

All Wet — Valentine Street during a winter flood, January 2024 (Holly Cross Gallicchio Photo).

By the Sea — The Monmouth Beach Sandpipers, the borough’s senior citizen group, has a 50-year record of good works and comradery. About 20% of  town residents are in their golden years, according to US Census data. Frank J. Sheeran, a Jersey City transplant and proud defender of town elders, started the organization in 1972. His son, John, was also president. Today, John’s wife, Paulette, runs the organization. The group meets the third Thursday of the month at 1 pm in borough hall on Beach Road (Jack Flaherty Photo, 2021).

Windsurfing races on the Shrewsbury River off Monmouth Beach. Red Bank Register, June 1982

Riverdale Avenue flooding, 1985.

Riverdale Avenue flooding, 2018.

Riverdale Avenue flooding, 2019.

Death Debate — Alfred J. Talley was a longtime borough resident on Ocean Avenue (acquiring the Walter Spalding estate in 1933) and also president of the snobbish Monmouth Beach Association in the 1930 and 1940s. The capital punishment debate between he and the famed Chicago defense attorney Clarence Darrow took place in the Manhattan Opera House in October 1924. Talley was a New York judge and lawyer “of great ability.” MORE INFO.

Monmouth Beach is visible in this Monmouth Park postcard, 1962. The Oceanport racetrack opened in June 1946 and still operates — MORE INFO.

Wells Fargo Bank at Beach Road and Borden Street, 2020. The borough’s first and only bank opened in 1968.

Looking west from the MB Clubhouse Hotel roof, 1910s. The school and church are visible in the background.

Welcome Home! — Louis Ferrugiaro is honored in Monmouth Beach for his military service during the Vietnam War, July 1971. A US Army private, Lou was badly injured but would return home to a hero’s welcome — honored with a large parade and celebration. The borough native went on to serve 25 years as the borough’s public works superintendent before retiring in 2004. Lou was also did public service as a borough policeman, fireman and first aid member.

Supreme Surf — along the Monmouth Beach coast, Fall 2022 (Jack Flaherty Photo).

Brian Boru O’Brien — a Monmouth Beach native and accomplished Broadway stage performer — seen with fellow cast members of the Broadway hit, “Chicago the Musical,” 2021. Brian made his theatrical debut in “Steel Pier” in 1997 and followed with work in: “Spamlalot,” “Beauty and the Beast,” “Annie Get Your Gun,” and “Promises, Promises.” A talented dancer-singer, Brian acted in the Tony-winning Chicago for 10 years before moving on in 2023. It’s all been a “dream come true” for the Seton Hall University graduate who never took a dance class. MORE INFO.

Good & Hot — James Caverly owner of Booskerdoo Coffee Roastery & Bakery at his Monmouth Beach store, 2017. The popular spot opened in the town’s mini-mall in 2011 offering “really really delicious things from really really nice people.” Growing in popularity and prestige, Booskerdoo now has seven locations — MORE INFO.

Willie Horner’s shack off Patten Avenue, 1980s. A WW II US Army vet and 15-year borough public works employee, died in 1986.

A car flipped its lid in front of the MB Cultural Center on Ocean Avenue, June 2022. There were no injuries.

Monmouth Beach Boy Scouts, 1970s.

Monmouth Beach mountains? No — just sunset clouds along the Shrewsbury River, May 2022.

“Bathing at Monmouth Beach, NJ” postcard, early 1900s. (Dawn Rise Photo).

Springtime surfing in Monmouth Beach, 2022 (Jack Flaherty Photo).

“Moonlight sail over the silvery sea.” Monmouth Beach, NJ postcard.

Beach Tavern at the foot of West Street under construction, 2014 (Jack Flaherty Photo).

Beach Tavern completed and ready for business, 2015.

Storm flooding on Ocean Avenue, early 1940s.

Turn of the century beach walk in MB.

A plethora of colors during a MB sunset on the Shrewsbury River, Fall 2021.

For Sale — Mayor Sidney Johnson (c) opens the new Hickey Real Estate Agency building at 37 Beach Road, December 1976. At right are owners Frank and Helen Hickey, left is Charles Beusing, borough planning board chairman. The Hickeys operated their realty firm from 1970 to 1988. Helen was the first women president of the Monmouth County Board of Realtors in 1985. She died in July 1992 and Frank passed away in August 1993; they raised six children in town. The couple’s view of the real estate trade: “It’s not a business of days and weeks, but of years.”

Joan Parent, Realtors ad, Asbury Park Press, 1984. The firm’s snappy slogan — “We cover the waterfront” — proved most effective during a town real estate sales boom through the 1990s.

The new Joan Parent building on Beach Road on it Grand Opening, September 1981. Anthony Covias designed the building. Beginning with just herself and a part-time secretary, the Parent real estate firm grew to 35 employees. The business merged with VRI Realtors in 2000.

Siblings from the Farrell family of Monmouth Beach at Fenway Park in Boston, 2010s. Their brother John Farrell managed the Red Sox to a World Series title in 2013.

Monmouth Beach Professional Building on the corner of Beach Road and West Street, 2021.

Image from Long Branch Daily Record, May 1965. Hennessey was from Monmouth Beach and Hayden was from Elberon.

Karyn Jarmer, the Executive Chef/Owner of My Kitchen Witch Cafe on Beach Road, 2021. Serving “home-cooked, healthy comfort food” since 2005. MORE INFO.

Tidal Wave about to hit Riverdale Avenue? No, just a wild spring storm front, June 2021.

Late spring storm over Monmouth Beach, June 2021.

A lone palm atop the Ocean Avenue seawall in MB, June 2021. The first MB-SB seawall was built in 1931 and parking was banned in 1954.

Patten Avenue newly repaved, 2021 (Jack Flaherty Photo). The borough’s first official street signs were hung in August 1917.

Judge Patrick J. McGann, Jr.  and his wife Bernadette after being sworn in as a judge of the Monmouth County Court. Long Branch Daily Record, January 1968. The couple raised their six children in Monmouth Beach. A Fordham Law School grad and NJ State Assemblyman, Judge McGann died in April 2012.

“Steamboat: Sea Bird” by Gail Gannon. Steamboat travel in and around the Shrewsbury and Navesink Rivers dates to 1825. By its end in 1930, 64 different steamers had worked the two rivers.

“Sea Bird” steamer in live action, 1887. Built in 1866 at Hunter’s Point NY, she was part of the Merchants Steamboat Company line operating until 1926. The wooden, side-wheeler was 187 feet long. The boat business was run by the Throckmorton family of Red Bank. The Sea Bird was docked off Wharf Avenue.

“Christmas on River Avenue, Monmouth Beach.” My Aunt LIz Sheehan’s old home painted by Ann Danieli.

“Dog Run” — under the Tsakiris home along the ocean, Christmastime 2012.

A winter day dawns at MB, 2020 (Matthew Moran Photo)

Another day in MB, 2020 (Kevin Foley Photo).

The 2013 World Series Champion Boston Red Sox team at the White House with President Barack Obama. (Borough native and Manager John Farrell is in front, second from right). Boston was 97–65 that season and beat the St. Louis Cardinals 4-2 games in the Fall Classic. And John was the Boston pitching coach when they won the title in 2007.

Sunset along the waters in MB, 2020 (Jack Flaherty Photo)

Monmouth Beach, New Jersey by Francis Augustus Silva, late 1800s.

Early fall sunset at MB, 2020.

The Niles Family of Monmouth Beach, 1907.

Sunset along the Shrewsbury River, 2014.

Sunset along the Shrewsbury River, 2014.

Riverdale Avenue looking north at railroad crossing, 1950s.

First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt with Major General George Van Deusen (r) at Fort Monmouth, 1943. The US Army general was the fort’s commanding officer (from 1942-1945) and later a MB resident.

Storm waves pound Ocean Avenue homes, 1978.

Storm damage to Ocean Avenue seawall, 1930s

Storm flooding along Ocean Avenue, 1930s.

Flooding on Riverdale Avenue, 1960s.

Glorious sunset in MB, Summer 2020 (Jack Flaherty Photo).

MB coast at dawn, 2019.

Along the MB shore, 2009.

Monmouth Beach Life by Jack Flaherty, 2020.

Looking north into MB at dawn, 2018.

MB sands — come and go, 2018.

Cottage Road beach area. One of the sand erosion “hot spots” along the NJ coast, 2011.

MB Memorial Day ceremony, 1990s.

Monmouth Beach coast looking south, 2006.

Shrewsbury River viewed from Galilee, 2017.

A Monmouth Beach sunset, April 2020. Jack Flaherty Photo.

The Garrett family at their Ocean Avenue home in MB, 2016.

Eddie Lecarreaux of the US Army Corps of Engineers Marine Division inspects a seawall pipe for the first-ever sand replenishment project in MB, November 1962.

MB coast in winter, 2019.

Winter time surfer off MB, 2020 (Jack Flaherty Photo).

Beach replenishment along MB coast, 2019.

Atlantis Yacht Club pool, 2010s.

New Ocean Avenue under construction looking north in MB, 1980s.

US Congressman James Howard speaks at Channel Club in Monmouth Beach, 1974.

Monmouth Commons, 2019.

Monmouth Commons, 2019.

MB sunset, 2019.

Ocean Avenue flooding at the MB-LB border, 1968.

Monmouth Beach surf’s up, 2013.

Monmouth Beach surfer, 2013.

MB surf, 2019.

MB moonlight postcard, 1910.

MB cat tails at sunset, 2019.

New Monmouth County National Bank on Beach Road, 1968.

Storm waves top Ocean Avenue seawall, 1966.

Old MB-LB border on Ocean Ave./Route 36 scene of deadly accidents, 1966.

Pat McConville rides his bike on flooded Riverdale Avenue, 1967. He would served as borough police chief from 1995 to 2002.

Breakwater Cove Apartments sketch proposal, 1971.

Channel Club Marina at sunset, 2000s.

Tiki Bar at Channel Club Marina, 2010s.

Boat hoist at Channel Club Marina, 2010s.

Dead 60-foot, 50-ton finback whale washed up on borough beach, 1961.

Monmouth County sheriff’s remove drowning victim from nearby Shrewsbury River, 2017.

MB boy scout troop, 1956.

Racoon Island, 2018.

Beach Road commerce, 2018.

View of Rumson Country Club from MB, early 1900s.

Ocean Avenue in MB looking north, Early 1900s.

Sallee Tee’s Grille, 2010.

Surf fishing off MB, 2007.

Storm damage at MB oceanfront, late 1920s.

Storm damage on MB oceanfront, late 1920s.

Storm damage on MB oceanfront, late 1920s.

Storm damage on MB oceanfront, late 1920s.

Tiki Hut at MB free beach off Central Road, 2017.

An American seaside home for working women at MB, 1881.

Monmouth Beach at sunset, Winter 2019.

Dr. Patti Barham Campbell, 1990. A borough native, Patty is a devoted artist — both practitioner and teacher.

Breakwater Cove condos, 2018.

Swan in the Shrewsbury River reeds, 2019. (Jack Flaherty Photo)

MB coast looking north, 2019. (Jack Flaherty Photo)

Ducks rest on Manhasset Creek, 2019. (Jack Flaherty Photo)

MB-LB beach borderline, 2011.

Postcard of MB street, 1920s.

MB Sandpipers holiday luncheon, 2018.

Head on car wreck on Ocean Avenue in MB, 1973.

A couple of Harbor Seals rest on the shore in Monmouth Beach, 2018.

Ocean Avenue in MB looking north, early 1900s.

MB coast, 2015.

MB coast, 2015.

MB seawall steps along Ocean Avenue, 2018.

MB seawall steps down to Ocean Avenue, 2016.

MB coast looking south, 2016.

MB coast looking north, 2016.

O’Brien Realty building on corner of Beach Road and Riverdale Avenue, 2016.

Beach Tavern on Shrewsbury River, 2016.

A white-tailed deer crossing Valentine Street, 2018.

Old police kiosk on Wells Fargo Bank property, 2018.

My Kitchen Witch cafe, 2018.

Ocean Avenue seawall, 1950s.

Ocean Avenue seawall, 1950s.

Flooding on Riverdale Avenue, Oct. 2018.

Boat ramp at the foot of West Street, 2018.

MB coast in winter, 2017.

MB Commissioner’s Awards Dinner, late 1990s.

Family of Mute Swans near Griffin Park boat ramp, 2018.

Then Michael Angelo’s Pizzeria on Beach Road, 2018.

Beach Tavern, 2018.

River docks in Monmouth Beach, 2017.

Flottbek shipwreck at Monmouth Beach, 1901.

Monmouth Beach Cub Scout’s bicycle race, 1968.

Flooding in Monmouth Beach at River Avenue and Central Road, 2018.

Riverdale Avenue flooding, 2010s.

Sign inside Booskerdoo Coffee & Baking Company, 2018.

Raccoon Island birthplace of John Farrell, MLB player and World Series winning manger, 2017.

Coach Jim Garrett (r) with his four sons in Monmouth Beach, 1980s.

Beach Tavern on West Street, 2016.

Businesses in Monmouth Beach Village Square, 2017.

My Kitchen Witch restaurant on Beach Road, 2017.

Borough coast looking south, 2017.

Old time drivers in Monmouth Beach, 1920s.

Looking into outfield at Raccoon Island ball field, 2017.

Monmouth Commons townhouse condo complex, 2016.

Restored borough kiosk on Beach Road, 2017.

Monmouth Beach ice boaters, 1941.

Mayor Lou Sodano (above) examines damages to the borough seawall, late 1970s.

Lt. Gov. Kim Guadagno and family after voting in Monmouth Beach in the 2017 NJ governor’s race on November 7.

A couple of deer in a Club Circle backyard, 2011.

Monmouth Beach Auxiliary of Monmouth Medical Center officers, 1962

Shipwrecked schooner Charles K. Buckley off MB, 1914.

Sands Point North condo complex in Monmouth Beach, 2010s.

Two Rivers Water Reclamation Authority entrance on Racoon Island, 2017

Ice boater on Manhasset Creek, 1920s.

Workers remove 5,000 gallons of ammonia from the old MB Cold Storage plant (“The Freezer”), 1983. Borough teen employees called it “Momouth Beach University.”

MB Cold Storage Company truck, 1940s.

Sallee Tee’s Grille surrounded by flood water, 2010s.

Professional office building on Beach Road, 2017.

Dead Humpback Whale on Monmouth Beach shore, 2009.

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