Galilee Fishermen: “Harvesting the Sea”

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10 Responses

  1. Greg Kelly says:

    I’ll look into it. Thanks for reading.

    Greg Kelly

  2. Mike Whitacre says:

    This was an outstanding read! What a great story! It is a good fishing spot today. Great job Greg. I love this stuff!

    Greg Kelly: Thanks coach. And keep coming back.

  3. Eugene LaVergne says:

    Excellent work! Very Interesting. Thank you.

  4. Brian Tober says:

    I grew up on Cook Street which is named after Stewart Cook who had the largest fishery in Sea Bright. He owned all the properties that are now on Cook Street. Arthur Peterson, Sr. was my great uncle.

  5. Carol Jerolamon Garratano says:

    Great article Greg. My dad would have been so proud!

  6. Renate says:

    Interesting read. Thank you, Greg.

  7. Adam Levy says:

    Great share Greg! The tradition of fishing in MB is alive and well — the striped bass tournament held every October by the Recreation Commission is a must attend. The kids of this town also have the fishing bug and can be found in the surf looking for elusive striped bass and the at river hauling in snappers on every cast in late summer.

  8. Arthur Petersen, Jr. says:

    Great Galilee history Greg. My father, Arthur Peterson, Sr. would also of been so proud. I’m filled with so many memories of Galilee, all the Scandinavian fishermen their pound boats Swan and Dixie. Thank you.

  9. Marj Peterson Mottola says:

    Thanks Greg!

  10. Johnsvigliotti says:

    Greg — I’m reading this for a second time! Absolutely great work!

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