Category: Sea Bright


Rumson-Sea Bright Bridge Images

Linking two distinct communities … A total of five bridges have connected the boroughs of Sea Bright and Rumson over the past 150 years....


Images of Sea Bright …

Classic photos of a seaside borough … Sea Bright and Monmouth Beach have a lot in common. So much in fact — for about...


Peninsula House: Shore Splendor

It’s hard to call it Sea Bright’s most iconic oceanfront building. There’s been so many others. But few, if any, had a nickname. Locals...


Highlands-Sea Bright Bridge Images

Gateway to the Jersey Shore … Since the first bridge opened in 1872, a total of four river crossings have connected Sea Bright and...


Nauvoo — Start of Sea Bright

Birth of a beachtown … It was first called “Nauvoo.” The area’s original settlers — Nathan Woolley, William Giles, and Johnty Smith — probably...


Some Sea Bright Civics

Forever complicated, Sea Bright — in fact, has two birthdays. On March 20, 1889, voters of Sea Bright (then part of Ocean Township) went...


Sea Bright: Boro of Beach Clubs

It’s the ultimate beach town. Folks have been coming to Sea Bright for sea, sand and sun for over a century. Young and old,...


Sea Bright’s Shore Palaces

Sea Bright’s magnificent 19th century oceanfront mansions … A classic part of town heritage were the massive “cottages” — seashore castles made of wood...


Sea Bright … Shore Shots

Technically, the borough is a barrier beach — narrow and long. Sea Bright, the land separating the Atlantic Ocean from the Shrewsbury River, is...


“Bishop” of Sea Bright

Sea Bright Characters: My physician-father had his share of “famous patients.” Including one reputed New Jersey mobster boss, who when asked by dad what...


Sea Bright Education History

Learning in the Past … With few dollars and even fewer students, Sea Bright public education efforts started humbly. Total annual town spending on...


Sea Bright Railroad Images …

Trains ran through Sea Bright … Also, how the railroad nearly killed a jet age pioneer. The railroad played an important role in Sea...


Sea Bright’s “Motel”

It’s had multiple identities over the past 65 years — only the geography is unchanged. In recent times, the spot has undergone a glorious...

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