Eliakim Wardell: Monmouth Beach Founder

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7 Responses

  1. Kathleen M. West says:

    Thank you so much for this article and the others within your series. It was such a treat to read that Eliakim and Lydia are remembered for settling the area first. I knew it … my husband’s family are direct descendants through Eliakim and Lydia’s daughter Margaret (Wardell) Allen who married William West. Many of us still reside within Monmouth County. I look forward to reading the rest of the articles. Again, thank you!

  2. Jo A Slocum Mazzucca says:

    Thank you for this article. Descendant of Samuel Wardell and John Slocum’s brother Nathaniel.

  3. Joanne Pratt says:

    Thank you for the article. I am a descendant of Eliakim Wardell (my 10th great grandfather).

    I am looking for any books published about the Wardells’ for my nephews birthday gift.


    • Mike Wardell says:

      This was a great article. I love reading about the history of the Wardell family. Eliakim Wardell would be my 7th great grandfather.

  4. Deb says:

    Two Wardells were Chief of Police in Neptune, NJ. One, was a friend, from kindergarten to graduation, of my father. He is also our cousin. The Wardells are related to many of the first families of N.J.

  5. Linda Edwards says:

    Thank you for this article. I’m a direct descendant of Eliakim and Lydia.

  6. David Wardell says:

    Eliakim was my 7th Great Grandfather. I come through his son Joseph Wardell (born 1660 in New Hampshire) and his wife, Sarah Bonnell. The history of Wardell/Perkins families encompasses almost every major event in North America. The courage of Eliakim and Lydia for their religious beliefs should be highly regarded by today’s society.

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