Category: My Thoughts …


’24 Hurricane Season: Be Ready

Experts Predict “Extremely Active” Storm Season … Living at the shore comes at a price. Wise lifelong coastal residents know this. It’s understood that...


Doctors: Did You Know?

There’s no question that earning a medical degree takes some smarts. My physician-dad from Monmouth Beach would tell me that the profession was “the...


Fine Art in Monmouth Beach

A grand glance of old Monmouth Beach … She is the borough’s “artist-in-residence” — Gail H. Gannon — now in perpetuity upon her passing...


Doctoring by the River …

Hospitals were sacred territory to my physician-dad. Life transforming and medically heroic at their best; clean and caring at a minimum. He spent the...


A Lesson in Friendship

In today’s trouble times it’s uplifting to reflect on how two different men found a friendship. In following my dad’s medical career I learned...


About My Research Efforts …

For My Readers … As I continue to develop my website — mainly though posting historic local photos backed with facts — I’ve reached...


The Trials of Dr. Carl Coppolino

While exploring my physician-father’s medical book collection at our home one day, I found an oddly titled one, The Practice of Hypnosis in Anesthesiology...


Monmouth County’s Lincoln Connection

His great-great grandfather lived here — Abraham Lincoln — America’s greatest President* — had Monmouth County family roots. According to A. Lincoln, a very...

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