MB Feature


Honoring Long Branch Senior Citizens

Golden Age Gift … Long Branch senior citizens now have a spectacular new home in which to gather. One befitting their contributions and wisdom...


Nauvoo — Start of Sea Bright

Birth of a beachtown … It was first called “Nauvoo.” The area’s original settlers — Nathan Woolley, William Giles, and Johnty Smith — probably...


West End Cottages

It was a fabulous architectural representation of Long Branch at the apex of its Glided Age glory — the West End Cottages. Situated on...


Super Banker Loved Monmouth Beach

George Fisher Baker: Gilded Age Tycoon During the late 19th Century — and probably even today — the 1.6-mille Ocean Avenue section of Monmouth...


North Long Branch: Keeping Cool

It was called “Fishtown” in Entertaining a Nation and marked as “Atlanticville” on a F.W. Beers map in 1873. Many locals still call it...


Some Sea Bright Civics

Forever complicated, Sea Bright — in fact, has two birthdays. On March 20, 1889, voters of Sea Bright (then part of Ocean Township) went...


MB Library History & Images …

Monmouth Beach is a community of readers. I should know — they’ve been looking at my ramblings for some 40 years now. An informal...


Long Branch and the Presidency

Although seven United States chief executives visited Long Branch — the 19th Century’s “Resort of Presidents” — but I only dug deeper on two:...


Monmouth Beach — “Gold Heroes”

They were a couple of rocks in the sturdy foundation of what became Monmouth Beach — Garrett White and Nelson Lockwood. Both men exhibited...

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